
Love, Lust, and Zombies by Mitzi Szereto
Love, Lust, and Zombies by Mitzi Szereto

Love, Lust, and Zombies by Mitzi Szereto

Many of the comments were being directed at me in a quite personal way, not to mention insulting. But I figured that since everyone seemed to have so much to say about Pride and Prejudice: Hidden Lusts (and me as its author), I too, had a right to speak and point out the absurdity of these arguments. As for my piece in the Huffington Post, I found that all the pitchforks being aimed at me were getting to be a bit silly, particularly when the overwhelming majority of their wielders had not even read my book, let alone anything I’ve written! I have no issue if someone simply does not like the book everyone has their own taste in reading material.

Love, Lust, and Zombies by Mitzi Szereto

I’ve never tried it please send a bottle over! I should say that Colin’s little swim left an indelible impression on me as well and accounted for Pride and Prejudice becoming a major favorite of mine. Now that the elderberry wine has calmed down my poor nerves and heart palpitations, I can ask you this question: What on earth were you thinking writing that Huffington Post ramble? Only a few vocal Jane fans objected to your book, as most of us were too busy swooning over Colin’s wet shirt to notice the brouhaha until you pointed it out. Vic: Hi Mitzi, it took a while to find my pitchfork and untwist my knickers. Then I realized, why not debate each other and find out what we really think? Mitzi has graciously agreed to a discussion about her book and sequels in general.

Love, Lust, and Zombies by Mitzi Szereto

I had struck an attitude of silence and indifference to her sexy parody of Pride and Prejudice ( Pride and Prejudice: Hidden Lusts ) until I read her fighting words. Gentle Readers, You may have noticed my previous rant about Mitzi Szereto’s blog post on Huffington Post.

Love, Lust, and Zombies by Mitzi Szereto