
Marvel Spotlight (1971-1977) #2 by Gerry Conway
Marvel Spotlight (1971-1977) #2 by Gerry Conway

Marvel Spotlight (1971-1977) #2 by Gerry Conway

Forbidden Mental Fruit? Dead Narrators and Characters from Medieval to Postmodernist Narratives Introduction Ontological Complications: Dead Character-Narratorsin Postmodernist Narratives Anticipations of Postmodernism: Dead Characters from the Middle Ages to Science-Fiction Narratives Concluding Remarks Notes Works Cited 5. Death and the Margins of Theater in Luigi Pirandello Notes Works Cited 4.

Marvel Spotlight (1971-1977) #2 by Gerry Conway

"Still I Danced": Performing Death in Ford's The Broken Heart Notes Works Cited 3.

Marvel Spotlight (1971-1977) #2 by Gerry Conway

The Final Frontier: Science Fictions of Death Motivating the Motif Methuselah's Children Ghosts in Machines How to Live Safely in a Science-Fictional Universe The Walking Dead The Last Man Virtual Reality Works Cited 2. Traversing the Ontological Divide Work Cited 1. Table of contents : Cover Half Title Series Page Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Contents Contributors Introduction Notes Works Cited Part I.

Marvel Spotlight (1971-1977) #2 by Gerry Conway