It’s clear that the author did her research which adds to the effect, but the realism mainly comes from the strength of the characters’ voices and their detailed descriptions. If I had to describe this book in just one word, I would say “tragic.” I left this book with a broken heart (in the best way possible.) The thing that makes this book so grim is that it feels extremely real. It is, in a few words, a story of love, self-discovery, treachery, and inevitably of murder. War is close to their land, and after one fateful day the life of the three sisters will change forever.

In my case Sistersong is one of those books.Ī retelling of an old british ballad, The Twa Sisters, Sistersong by Lucy Holland is the story of three sisters, daughters of the King of one of the old kingdoms of Britannia. I have never been a huge fan of fantasy, I have always preferred tales of science fiction or horror, but sometimes there are books that break the barriers that we as readers impose on ourselves.