
The boondocks newspaper
The boondocks newspaper

Funny because I can see many people I know depicted in the mannerisms of the fictional characters. He found a way to create a character that’s representation of the most common generalization of personality’s psychological mechanics. This author fuses the sociology of black people with comedy 101. I took an African American studies course in High School and this is reminiscent of that. This installment of the series combines all the segments from the Sunday Paper. I was reluctant at first, but NOW I SEE! There is so much more then what’s on the surface. Recently a co-worker asked me if I’ve read the novels and offered to lend them to me. While there are episodes that are hilarious, I can’t help but wonder the morals behind the mockery. I absolutely despised Uncle Ruckus and the repeated use of the N-word. It was a big deal at the time in my neighborhood, because very few “all African American” portrayed cartoons were available. Hey, we were all young and oblivious once.) I watched one episode of this television show back when it first aired.

the boondocks newspaper

I’ll admit I only looked at the pictures, happy that there’s a “brown people” cartoon. I was first introduced to them in the Sunday papers. There’s the television show, the Sunday comic strip, and the novel. The Boondocks is one of those creative ideas that have graced multiple broadcasting outlets.

The boondocks newspaper